World cities


Tâche finale : EOI, debate the advantages/disdvantages of living in global cities

Presentations :

the British Empire

Hong- Kong

SARS in Hong Kong

PRC and Hon Kong

Occupy Wall Street

Umbrella Revolution


The Great Smog

Air pollution (EX : London)

The history of London

Ethnic diversity in London (mention Cockney accent)

What is sustainability ?

Air pollution in global cities (London)

Housing in global cities (London)

Transport in London

Links with nature in global cities (London)  

I. Is Hong-Kong a global city?

Step 1.

Watch the video, and take notes.

Step 2, Research. What is a world city?


  1. What does HK mean?

  2. What flower is represented on the flag of Hong Kong?

  3. What languages are spoken there?

  4. What year was HK handed back to China?

  5. Is HK part of communist China?

  1. What is "occupy"?

  2. What different areas/places can you identify ? Give their names)

  3. What characteristics can you identify in this video ? (city life, economy, culture)

  4. Look up for information about the South China Morning Post.

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