The role of heroes in our society


The role of heroes in our society

In what ways are figures from the past sources of inspiration and creation ?

How can we immortalise the deeds of a nation's founder ?

Task 1 :

Task 2 :

Task 3 :

Correct the questions on the Rhymes of Robin Hood.

Task 4 :

What do you know about the 5th of November or Guy Fawkes Night in Britain ?

Look for information on the internet if needed.

Task 5 :

  1. Watch the video

  2. And gather as much information as possible.

  3. What are the possible links you can draw between the idealised figures of Robin Hood and Guy Fawkes ?

  4. Explain how Guy Fawkes is a source of inspiration for our society.

Task 6 :

Explain how Guy Fawkes is a source of inspiration for our society.

Guy Fawkes, is a key figure in the failed Gunpowder Plot of 1605 to kill James I. In popular British culture, Fawkes's legacy is commemorated annually on Bonfire Night (November 5th), where effigies of him are burned, accompanied by fireworks to mark the plot’s failure. This tradition serves as a reminder of the complex relationship between authority and dissent.

Beyond Britain, Fawkes has become a symbol of resistance and rebellion, transcending his historical context. His attempt to blow up the British Parliament perceived as an act against government corruption continues to inspire modern ideas of standing up to oppression. He has inspired global movements (i.e. Anonymous, Occupy...), with his mask, popularized by the film V for Vendetta, becoming an emblem of protest and civil disobedience, particularly in the digital age. His story resonates today, symbolising the enduring struggle for justice, freedom, and the courage to challenge injustice in both peaceful and radical ways.

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