Love/ Friendship / Relationship between the individual and the group/Being confronted to difference
Love in disguise :
Texts :
- Two Poems By Wendy Cope : First date SHE/ First Date HE
- An extract from The Importance of Being Earnest By Oscar Wilde
- An extract from As You Like it By William Shakespeare
Videos :
The Importance of Being Earnest,, plot summary
As You like it, summary
Documents you may also refer to:
Extract of The Importance of Being Earnest
As You like it, full 1936 version
Step 1 :
First date She / First date He
Pairwork on each part of the poem.
. Read the poem
. Take notes
. Share your findings
. Answer the Wh_ questions
. Imagine what's in the other part
. Write the other part
Homework : Write the dialogue between the two characters from the moment the music ends to the moment they leave the hall.
awkward, clumsy, odd number, even number
Step 2 :
Homework correction : groupwork, prepare a list of the common mistakes you can avoid.
Fill in the grid
Possible form(s) |
Dialogue, outer dialogue, direct/indirect speech, 1st, 3rd pers narration, some inner (internal) dialogue could be used |
Difficulties Errors |
- present OR past - spelling (Ame/Brit) - punctuation - tenses - irregular verbs |
Details (be descriptive) |
Who: names, age, appearance, emotions, feelings Where: geo. Place, When: time, Season (weather) What: contents of the scene |
Possible off-topics |
Internal dialogue only |
introduce your essay
Step 3 :
Watch it 3 times, focus on characters :
John Worthing (AKA Jack, Ernest)
Agernon Moncrieff
Gwendolen Fairfax
Cecily Cardew
Lady Bracknell
Miss Prism
Victorian Era:
Victorian Era - Explain | world history (
Literature in the Victorian Era | A Historical Overview (
The Victorian Era Explained: The 18 y/o Monarch of England - YouTube
Extract Of the Importance of Being Earnest Act 1 part 2
silent reading
Homework :
Watch the Video again, try to find more information about the characters (importance in the play, role, characteristics, family links...)
Questions 1&2
Step 4
Video analysis:
Group 1: The importance of being Earnest Edith Evans 1952 the interrogation
Group 2: The Importance of Being Earnest (1986) Part 3 of 11
Group 3: The Importance of Being Earnest - part 1 | Oscar Wilde # 34:00
Group 4: The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde, Act1 # 21:00
Group 5: The Importance of Being Earnest (1964) - YouTube # 12
Step 5
1: watch the video and analyse it, focus on details, costumes, movement, acting, …
2: with the other group compare the different interpretations, explain how they differ, give your opinion about the best ideas...
Vocabulary: idle, idleness, tamper, bloom, unsound, chiefly, poacher, earnest, wit, witty, idle, carelessness, cloak-room, bewildered, behaviour, to christen, shallow, hearsay, reversal, common sense, disabled (handicapped), derogatory, derogative, haughty, who/which/whom, dandy, to plea/to beg, contempt, thorough, numerous, to threaten, threat, idleness, income/ salary, wholesome, hence/therefore, parcel, dichotomy, spoil, worthy, worthiness, upheaval, thorough, numerous, to threaten, threat, idleness, income/ salary, wholesome, hence/therefore, PARCEL DICHOTOMY, spoil, worthy, worthiness
Shakespeare, As You Like it
Presentations :
The Elizabethan Era (society, progress) Angela
Queen Elizabeth Victoria
Queen Elizabeth and politics during the Elizabethan Era Louane
The Elizabethan Theatre and entertainment during the Elizabethan Era Jade
Shakespeare’s life and work Ellia
As You Like It Ana-Claire
Sonnets, Shakespeare Sophie
The Globe theatre Baptiste
1 hand out the extract
Watch the video and try to place the story at the right moment in the play.
1. Identify the characters (Rosalind and Orlando).
2. What are they wearing – what can we say about Rosalind?
3. Where are they? – look at the scenery to help.
4. What do the two characters say to each other?
Homework: answer questions 1 2 3 & 4.
Correct questions
Compare and analyse, Groupwork:
Compare these adaptations of Act 1 scene 3
1. Act 1 Scene 3 | As You Like It | 2019 | Royal Shakespeare Company - YouTube
2. Stark Shakespeare As You Like It: Act 1 Scene 3 - YouTube
3. Royal Shakespeare Company - As You Like It, Act 1 Scene 3 - stage scene - NY - YouTube
4. 'Why, whither shall we go?' | As You Like It (2023) | Act I, scene 3 | Shakespeare's Globe - YouTube
5. Act 1 Scene 3 - As You Like It - Brownsea Open Air Theatre - Rosalind is banished - YouTube
Interpretations |
Movement |
Costumes and props |
Emotions |
Acting |
Learn the vocabulary from the story of As You Like It for a vocabulary test.
Complete the Drama worksheet activities.
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