Australia travel brochure

Australia, travel brochure:

Imagine you are working as a tourist office or a tour operator and prepare a leaflet or a brochure about Australia. You can give a name to your operator and invent details.

Use websites such as:

I)                   Choose a region you want to talk about:

Western Australia
South Australia
Northern Territory
New South Wales

II)                Find out about major cities and attractions in the region. (cities, monuments, tourist attractions, activities, hotels, animals, natural sites, sports…)

III)             Prepare a brochure about the region you chose.  (print it out on a sheet of paper)
Don’t forget to give details and information about travelling plans (airports, car rentals…), accommodations (hotels, pensions…), restaurants, visas, currency etc.
Use photographs and WRITE your own information, do not copy/paste from the internet.
Don’t forget to cite your sources at the end.

If you are in lack of imagination, or need examples, visit:

Marking scheme:
Pictures, cleanliness, colors
6 pts
150 word text + spelling
5+3 pts
Project coherence
Information and details
6 pts

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